“And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and night.” Exodus 13:21. On November 9, 2006, led by the unction of the Spirit of God, fourteen people met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moultrie Hayden to discuss the organization and mission of a ministry that God would use to reach fallen humanity and enlarge His Kingdom. Reverends Sam J. and Angelia D. Walker both ordained Itinerant Elders in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, were called by God to lead the establishment of this body of believers. Being assured of their call of God and the significant ministries this church would offer the community, Reverends Sam J. and Angelia D. Walker along with the people of God vowed to start the church in Birmingham, Alabama at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hayden. Instructed by the Lord, the church was named Ebenezer Victory Empowerment Church. Ebenezer, meaning “here again the Lord will help us.”
The church met for the first time to worship together as “a called out body of believers” on Sunday, November 10, 2006. There was an atmosphere of excitement as the dedicated saints--men, women, and children--met at the Hayden’s home. With a unified voice, songs of praise were lifted to God. Prayers for guidance and solidarity were offered to the King of Glory who sits on the throne of grace. The saints knew not where the Lord would lead them but trusted that he would be faithful and direct their path. Everyone knew they were embarking on a journey that was bigger than any of them and would only be successful at the Lord’s doing. Pastor Angelia preached, “Burying Dead Bones”. She encouraged the saints to let go of all in their lives that was dead because it only created an excessive load; to forget those things that were behind and to look forward to their destiny in Christ. She imparted to the saints that God would use them as seed for the harvest which was to come. Nineteen people joined that Sunday and birth was given to a new church, Ebenezer Victory Empowerment (EVE) Church.
From a small, humble beginning, the church continued and the Lord added as He willed. God provided as the congregants followed the leadership of the under-Sheppards Pastor Sam and Pastor Angelia. An opportunity was presented through the leadership of Minister Jonathan Borden for the church to gather for its worship celebrations and Bible studies at Jefferson State Community College, located in northwest Birmingham, Alabama. So, the church stationed itself at Jefferson State. The first Sunday in December 2006 Pastor Sam preached and twenty five people joined the church.
During the early spring of 2007, once again the cloud moved and the worship and teaching services were relocated to the L.R. Hall Auditorium in the A.G. Gaston Building, on the corner of 5th Avenue and 16th Street, North, Birmingham, Alabama. The ministry was faced with a new challenge as the Lord placed it in the midst of individuals who lived their lives on the margins of society. It was EVE’s call to offer hope in the midst of hopelessness.
In May 2010, the Church relocated to 1234 Parkway East, Birmingham, AL (Center point Area). It was an unexpected change. But here again, the cloud was shifting and God was leading. We were planted in a plaza complex in the midst of several churches, all small and all relatively young ministries. We set-up the tabernacle for worship and the power of God dwelt mightily with us. The ministry grew both spiritually and numerically. However, we notice a decline in the regular attendance of some of the faithful originals. The Lord sent a prophetic word of comfort to assure the ministry that He is still God and watches over His promises to keep them. The word was, do not despair; I decrease, so that I may increase. The praise of the saints continued to go higher and Gods presence could be felt in a tangible way in the midst. In 2012, Pastor Walker, declared that it was the year of giving, although the economic times of society were challenging. Many were unemployed or under-employed and the cost of living was at an all-time high, particularly, gas prices. God would not allow the church to suffer from lack and now was not the time to shut-up our bowels of compassion. Gods grace continued to elevate the ministry and the saints continued to share and authentically praise the living God.